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The music for 'The Last of Us' is striking and emotionally powerful. In the original, the plucky guitar performance by Gustavo Santaolalla almost singlehandedly took the post-apocalyptic horror narrative of the game and grounded it firmly in the western genre. For part II, with dual revenge narratives and opposing perspectives, the games team brought on an additional composer to bring another sonic soundscape into the mix: Mac Quayle. His synth contributions to the soundtrack to part II might be the most terrifying, underlining the true physical and psychological horror that players face.

Track Listing:
1. The Last of Us Part II - Various Performers
2. Unbound - Various Performers
3. Longing - Various Performers
4. Eye for an Eye - Various Performers
5. It Can't Last - Various Performers
6. The Cycle of Violence - Various Performers
7. Reclaimed Memories - Various Performers
8. Cordyceps - Various Performers
9. Longing (Redemptions) - Various Performers
10. Restless Spirits - Various Performers
11. Chasing a Rumor - Various Performers
12. They're Still Out There - Various Performers
13. Unbroken - Various Performers
14. The Rattlers - Various Performers
1. The Obsession - Various Performers
2. Soft Descent - Various Performers
3. The WLF - Various Performers
4. A Wolf's Ghost - Various Performers
5. Masks On - Various Performers
6. It Can't Last (Home) - Various Performers
7. Inextinguishable Flames - Various Performers
8. Allowed to Be Happy - Various Performers
9. Collateral - Various Performers
10. The Cycle Continues - Various Performers
11. All Gone (The Promise) - Various Performers
12. Grieving - Various Performers
13. The Island - Various Performers
14. Beyond Desolation - Various Performers
