Spencer' is an upcoming biographical drama film directed by Pablo Larraín ('No, Jackie') and written by Steven Knight, based on the later years of the life of Diana, Princess of Wales, and starring Kristen Stewart in the titular role. The score is written by Jonny Greenwood, the lead guitarist and keyboardist of the alternative rock band Radiohead, who has written a number of acclaimed film scores such as 'Phantom Thread', 'There Will Be Blood' and 'Norwegian Wood'.
Track Listing:
1. Arrival - Various Performers
2. Ancient and Modern - Various Performers
3. Calling the Whipper In - Various Performers
4. Spencer - Various Performers
5. The Pearls - Various Performers
6. Invention for Harpsicord and Compression - Various Performers
7. Frozen Three - Various Performers
8. The Boys - Various Performers
9. Delusion/Miracle - Various Performers
10. Partita in Five for Two Organs - Various Performers
11. Home/Lacrimosa - Various Performers
12. Crucifix - Various Performers
13. Press Call - Various Performers
14. New Currency - Various Performers
Year of Production: 2021