Originally produced by Nick Tauber, Script for a Jester's Tear is the only Marillion album to feature Fish (vocals), Steve Rothery (guitar), Pete Trewavas (bass), Mark Kelly (keyboards) and Mick Pointer (drums). Script For A Jester's Tear (2020 Stereo Remix) opens with a remixed stereo version of 'Script for a Jester's Tear' by Andy Bradfield and Avril Mackintosh and features the singles 'Garden Party' and 'He Knows You Know'.
Track Listing:
1. Script for a Jester's Tear - Marillion
2. He Knows You Know - Marillion
3. The Web - Marillion
4. Garden Party - Marillion
5. Chelsea Monday - Marillion
6. Forgotten Sons - Marillion
Year of Production: 1983