A Senile Animal' was originally released on October 10, 2006. After Kevin Rutmanis' departure the two remaining members of the Melvins joined forces with Big Business, a duo consisting of Jared Warren on bass and Coady Willis on drums. Together they made a no-frills, accessible stoner juggernaut that sits as a classic next to 'Stoner Witch'.
Track Listing:
1. The Talking Horse - Melvins
2. Blood Witch - Melvins
3. Civilized Worm - Melvins
4. A History of Drunks - Melvins
5. Rat Faced - Melvins
6. The Hawk - Melvins
7. You've Never Been Right - Melvins
8. A History of Bad Men - Melvins
9. The Mechanical Bride - Melvins
10. A Vast Filthy Prison - Melvins
Year of Production: 2006