Kolkata-based duo Nischay Parekh and Jivraj Singh - known as Parekh & Singh's third album. Here, they adopted a more electronic approach to their soft, dream-pop style, adding woodwind and string elements to create cinematic, magical-realist sound.
Track Listing:
1. Sleepyhead - Parekh & Singh
2. Bedouin - Parekh & Singh
3. Je Suis La Pomme Rouge - Parekh & Singh
4. Miracle - Parekh & Singh
5. Seven Days - Parekh & Singh
6. King - Parekh & Singh
7. Songbird - Parekh & Singh
8. C C C - Parekh & Singh
9. The Nightingale - Parekh & Singh
Year of Production: 2022