Quazarz vs. the Jealous Machines' is the fourth studio album by American hip-hop duo Shabazz Palaces and was released simultaneously with and as a companion album to 'Quazarz: Born on a Gangster Star'. Quazarz came to the Earth from somewhere else, a musical ambassador from his place to ours. Somehow, through fire or through fury, the Palaceer of Shabazz Palaces caught wind of the tale, and it is through his prism that we hear the story.
Track Listing:
1. Welcome to Quazarz - Shabazz Palaces
2. Gorgeous Sleeper Cell - Shabazz Palaces
3. Self-made Follownaire - Shabazz Palaces
4. Atlaantis - Shabazz Palaces
5. Effeminence (Feat. Fly Guy Dai of Chimurenga Renaissance) - Shabazz Palaces
6. Julian's Dream (Ode to a Bad) (Feat. The Shogun Shot) - Shabazz Palaces
7. 30 Clip Extension - Shabazz Palaces
8. Love in the Time of Kanye (Feat. Purple Tape Nate) - Shabazz Palaces
9. Sabonim in the Saab On 'Em - Shabazz Palaces
10. The SS Quintessence - Shabazz Palaces
11. Late Night Phone Calls (Feat. Laz) - Shabazz Palaces
12. Quazarz On 23rd - Shabazz Palaces
Year of Production: 2017