Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's short story, 'The Island of The Fay' marks the inaugural entry in Tangerine Dream's renowned Eastgate Sonic Poems Series. Composed by legendary Tangerine Dream founder Edgar Froese and his successor Thorsten Quaeschning (chosen by Froese to lead the band's musical vision after his passing in 2015), the album offers a deeply evocative interpretation of Poe's haunting narrative and remains one of the finest examples of Tangerine Dream's world-renowned sound.
Track Listing:
1. Marmontel Riding On a Clef - Tangerine Dream
2. Breath Kissing Matter's Mouth - Tangerine Dream
3. Beauty of Magic Antagonism - Tangerine Dream
4. Fay Bewitching the Moon - Tangerine Dream
5. Cycle of Eternity - Tangerine Dream
6. Death in the Shadow - Tangerine Dream
1. Moment of Floating Into the Light - Tangerine Dream
2. Darkness Veiling the Night - Tangerine Dream