Walt Disney Animation Studios' 'Wish' is a musical-comedy welcoming audiences to the magical kingdom of Rosas, where Asha, a sharp-witted idealist, makes a wish so powerful that it is answered by a cosmic force-a little ball of boundless energy called Star. Together, Asha and Star confront a most formidable foe-the ruler of Rosas, King Magnifico-to save her community and prove that when the will of one courageous human connects with the magic of the stars, wondrous things can happen. Featuring original songs by Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Julia Michaels and Grammy winning producer/songwriter/musician Benjamin Rice.
Track Listing:
1. Welcome to Roses - Ariana DeBose & Wish Cast
2. At All Costs - Chris Pine & Ariana DeBose
3. This Wish - Ariana DeBose
4. I'm a Star - Wish Cast
5. This Is the Thanks I Get?! - Chris Pine
6. Knowing What I Know Now - Ariana DeBose, Angelique Cabral & Wish Cast
7. The Wish (Reprise) - Ariana DeBose & Wish Cast
8. A Wish Worth Making - Julia Michaels
Year of Production: 2023