The Juicebox' is the third installment of 'The Juice' volumes, released two years after critically acclaimed volumes I and II. In this installment, the LA-based duo embark on a collaborative project for the first time. Eight tracks of forward-thinking R&B exploring themes of seduction, partying and romance.
Track Listing:
1. All That (Feat. Channel Tres) - Emotional Oranges
2. Bonafide (Feat. Chiiild) - Emotional Oranges
3. Body & Soul (Feat. Biig Piig) - Emotional Oranges
4. Back & Forth (Feat. Vince Staples) - Emotional Oranges
5. Down to Miami (Feat. Becky G.) - Emotional Oranges
6. No Words (Feat. Yendry) - Emotional Oranges
7. Lock It Up (Feat. THEY.) - Emotional Oranges
8. Give Me Up (Feat. Kiana Ledé) - Emotional Oranges
Year of Production: 2021