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This was recorded in San Francisco with Ryan Greene at Motor Studios. A nice place to record a punk record. The title is not referring to Airwalk or Vans, it is from a Douglas Adams book called, 'So Long and Thanks for All the Fish'. We tend to get hit with a lot of shoes when we play so we thought it was a good title. It's not our last album. Nate from the Bosstones came by and played guitar on a couple songs. That was pretty cool. We kinda went for more of an old school sound on this record. More hardcore than the previous one. I like it. Favourite song - 'Desperation's Gone'. Too bad about ska getting mainstream, I don't think I wanna play it anymore'. - NOFX

Track Listing:
1. It's My Job to Keep Punk Rock Elite - NOFX
2. Kids of the K-Hole - NOFX
3. Murder the Government - NOFX
4. Monosyllabic Girl - NOFX
5. 180 Degrees - NOFX
6. All His Suits Are Torn - NOFX
7. All Outta Angst - NOFX
8. I'm Telling Tim - NOFX
9. Champs Elysées - NOFX
10. Dad's Bad News - NOFX
11. Kill Rock Stars - NOFX
12. Eat the Meek - NOFX
13. The Desperation's Gone - NOFX
14. Flossing a Dead Horse - NOFX
15. Quart in Session - NOFX
16. Falling in Love - NOFX

Year of Production: 1997
