Ubisoft and Laced Records have rewound time to the 2000s to bring music from three beloved 'Prince of Persia' games to vinyl. The heavyweight LPs of the 'Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Trilogy' collection feature specially mastered music, with each disc corresponding to one of the three titles in the series. Archival sleeve artwork adorns the widespined outer sleeve and spined inner sleeves. Stuart Chatwood was as adept at fusing Western and Eastern musical influences as he was at bringing rock riffs into game music. The 'Sands of Time' soundtrack remains distinctive some 20 years later, with its mysterious female vocals and heavy use of oud, tabla, djembe and more. 'Warrior Within''s Nu Metal musical leanings have seen that soundtrack achieve cult status among fans. The score for 'The Two Thrones' is grander and more magisterial, as the Prince grapples with dark forces within and without during this climactic chapter.
Track Listing:
1. Welcome to Persia - Various Performers
2. Introducing the Prince - Various Performers
3. Prelude Fight - Various Performers
4. Behold the Sands of Time - Various Performers
5. Discover the Royal Chambers - Various Performers
6. Attack of the Sand Griffons - Various Performers
7. Don't Enter the Light - Various Performers
8. Enter the Royal Palace - Various Performers
9. The Royal Baths - Various Performers
10. Chaos in the Zoo - Various Performers
11. Lost in the Crypts - Various Performers
12. Farah Enlightens the Prince - Various Performers
13. Trouble in the Barracks - Various Performers
14. The Library - Various Performers
15. A Princess Is Captured - Various Performers
16. The Tower of Dawn - Various Performers
17. Reverse the Sands of Time - Various Performers
18. The Vizier Must Die - Various Performers
19. Time Only Knows - Various Performers
1. Welcome Within - Various Performers
2. Battle the Dahaka - Various Performers
3. Conflict of the Griffins - Various Performers
4. Desolation of the Tower - Various Performers
5. Escape the Dahaka - Various Performers
6. An Unsafe Sanctuary - Various Performers
7. Mystic Sanctuary - Various Performers
8. Attack at Sea - Various Performers
9. Clash in the Catacombs - Various Performers
10. Conflict at the Entrance - Various Performers
11. Confrontation in the Mechanical Tower - Various Performers
12. Military Aggression - Various Performers
13. Shadows of the Tower - Various Performers
14. Rooftop Engagement - Various Performers
15. Struggle in the Library - Various Performers
16. The Guard Tower Past - Various Performers
17. The Mystic Caves - Various Performers
18. Tower Encounter - Various Performers
1. The Beauty of the City - Various Performers
2. Beneath Babylon - Various Performers
3. Babylon Exploration - Various Performers
4. Time Marches - Various Performers
5. Epic Battle of the Chariots - Various Performers
6. Nostalgic Sand Prince - Various Performers
7. The Palace Battle - Various Performers
8. Alone in the Garden - Various Performers
9. The Prince Retaliates - Various Performers
10. A Besieged Prince - Various Performers
11. A Babylonian Prince - Various Performers
12. The Mighty Prince - Various Performers
13. In Pursuit of Farah - Various Performers
14. The Wandering Sand Prince - Various Performers
15. The Mental Realm - Various Performers
16. I Still Love You - Various Performers
Year of Production: