Weatherday is one of the aliases under which the enigmatic Swedish artist known as Sputnik records (the other being Lola's Pocket PC). 'Come In', worked upon for years until its release in 2019, takes the 'sometimes more is more' approach, a head-spinning maximalist mixture of noise pop, emo, shoegaze and dream pop.
Track Listing:
1. Come In - Weathered
2. Older Than Before (Oswald Made No Way for Himself) - Weathered
3. Mio, Min Mio - Weathered
4. Sleep in While You're Doing Your Best - Weathered
5. My Sputnik Sweetheart - Weathered
6. Cut Lips - Weathered
1. Embarrassing Paintings (Agatha Showed Great Initiative in Art Class This Week) - Weathered
2. Water Dreamer the Same - Weathered
3. Painted Girl's Theme - Weathered
4. Agatka (Agatha! You're Being Melodramatic) - Weathered
5. Porcelain Hands - Weathered
6. Darling of Loving Vows - Weathered
Year of Production: 2019